Toilet Training pants and the tempestuous toddler

Talk to most parents and they’ll have a story or three to tell you about the Terrible Twos. The common narratives often include horrifying imagery of feisty, end-of-world tantrums in supermarket aisles or mischievous mini sleuths who can seek out prized possessions with only destruction in mind. 

Yes, the Terrible Twos is a fearsome period for any parent. Especially when you consider that it’s the age when most toddlers are ready to start using the potty. Yep, that thought alone is terrifying.

Undoubtedly, it’s a time of high emotions for all involved, a tumultuous journey for both the parents and the toilet training trainee. While toilet training is rarely a smooth run, it’s important to remember that every Terrible Two contender eventually and successfully makes their way from nappy to potty in their own time.

But truly, it wouldn’t be fair if the Terrible Twos had the upper hand in this journey. So, we’ve put together some helpful tips and tricks to help smooth things out and set you sailing on a calm toilet training voyage!

Signs your toddler is ready for training pants

As a parent, your best defence lies in having keen observational skills. As your child approaches the toilet training phase, you will notice their habits and patterns will start to change.

Look for the following cues to know whether or not it’s time to introduce the potty.

  • Your child’s nappy remains dry for up to two hours, or they gesture that they have soiled their nappy
  • Your child is curious about watching you, or others, use the bathroom
  • Your child can pull up their own pants
  • Your child shows distress at wearing a nappy that is wet or dirty
  • Your child’s bowel movements are consistently regular
  • Your child is more self-sufficient, says ‘no’ often and can walk or sit independently.
Toilet training girls

When is a good time to start toilet training?

First, let’s take a deep breath. Even if your toddler is showing signs that they’re ready to ‘go potty’, you don’t need to dive in headfirst. It’s a good idea to check your calendar, make sure you don’t have any big events coming up, or particularly busy or stressful times ahead. Why make it harder than it needs to be?

We like to think of toilet training as a marathon, not a sprint. Rushing in may only result in having to abandon your attempts, reset and try again later. Preparation and planning is your friend. When you have thought your approach through, choose the best time to commit and get started.

What do you need to toilet train your toddler?

A liberal dose of patience wouldn’t go astray! It’s certainly not always the easiest journey to embark on, but we’ve got a few other suggestions that might help:

When is my toddler ready to start toilet training?
Potty or toilet training seat:

Toddlers are tiny, while toilets are not. Perching precariously over a big hole can certainly be a daunting experience. That’s why it’s a good idea to make the whole encounter less scary and as comfortable as possible for your toilet training trainee. Enter the potty and/or training seat. Let’s take a look at both.

The potty is a great first option. Children will likely transition to a potty with minimal fuss. The portable aspect of a potty is also very convenient as you can move it around the house to help catch accidents before they happen. On the flipside, you’ll still need to plan to transition to the toilet once they have mastered using the potty.

You may find it easier to bypass the potty, and start with the toilet. Make sure to use a training seat at first. This helps alleviate any anxiety about falling into the toilet bowl and will help for a smaller transition to using the regular toilet seat when the time comes. 

Sometimes it takes the toilet training trainee a little bit of courage to build up to using the big toilet, so keep a calm and patient demeanour. But you’ll also need to be on your guard too, since portability isn’t an option, and accidents may still occur from time to time.

Don’t forget to give your child a stepping stool to help them reach the toilet with ease, with the additional wonderful effect of making the toilet look much less scary.

Toilet Training Pants

Let’s talk about toilet training pants. They look and feel like regular undies, and they’re easy to pull up and down. But the most awesome thing about them is that they will catch any accidents, if and when they occur. Oh yeah, we can hear the collective sigh of relief!

The secret lies in their amazing design. The outer PUL layer does an amazing job at preventing accidents, ultimately reducing your laundry load and protecting the couch, the car seat and the bedding (when training overnight).  

If an accident does occur, or your child forgets to indicate they need to visit the bathroom, the inner absorbent layer will feel wet and bulky. This will help to promote toilet training by creating an uncomfortable sensation for your child, hopefully prompting them to avoid a repeat of that experience in the future.

It all sounds very serious, but we also think it’s important to make it fun! That’s why our range of toilet training pants come in bright, vibrant colours and patterns, ‘cos picking out your first pair of undies, whether they’re toilet training undies or not, is a rite of passage.

Comfy toilet training pants
Patience and the odd reward

Our best advice when starting this process with your child is to be as patient and encouraging as possible. Accidents will happen, but how you react will determine how long the toilet training phase will take.

While bribing your child is never recommended, having a few small gifts on standby to reward random points of progress can have a positive impact. Some parents use a sticker chart as a visual reminder of how well their child is progressing and to help keep them motivated in the long run.

But, at the end of the day, nothing beats mummy’s love. Don’t underestimate just how important it is to spend time with your kids, encouraging them and praising their efforts, even when they don’t quite make it to the bathroom in time. Knowing that you are proud of them for trying is all they need to flourish.

Training Pants Bundle

Training Pants Bundle

Regular price $99.80 Sale price$74.85 Save $24.95
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BUY 3 Training Pants and get the 4th FREE! 

Toilet training is full of many mishaps, and sometimes mini triumphs. But until the celebrations can really begin, our Toilet Training Pants Bundle is here to help.  

With four pants for the price of three, you’ll save more than just money. Toilet training pants save you from mounting laundry whenever accidents occur.  

They’ll save the mammoth clean up of car seats, carpets and bedding.
They’ll save your sleep (and sanity too)! Available in a range of colourful patterns and comfy designs that your toddler will love. Try them out today!  

Toilet Training Pants Features: 

Feel just like comfy undies, with an elasticised waist to make them easy to pull on or off. Handy side snaps make changes super-easy in the event of an accident. 

Tailor the size to fit your child. Convenient side and front snaps adjust the length and width for a comfortable fit. 

Water-resistant PUL outer protects other surfaces, clothes and fabrics from stains and leaks. 

The absorbent bamboo inner is soft and comfortable, but will aid in toilet training by creating a wet feeling if your child has an accident. 

A microfibre layer offers extra absorption and leak-proof protection. 

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Toilet training overnight

While daytime toilet training may seem to be straightforward, toilet training overnight is a whole other journey. For some toddlers, daytime toilet training may happen smoothly, but night training can present more challenges. Remember to stay patient, even when the laundry is piling up.

If you’ve been trying to help your child get through the night but haven’t yet reached success, it’s okay to go back to using reusable nappies overnight. Remember that timing is important and for some kids who may have mastered daytime toilet training, staying dry overnight may take some time.

Often, night-time dryness is affected by how deeply they sleep. So, if things aren’t going just how you’d hoped, then consider taking a step backwards for the time being. It may even be entirely necessary, if it means saving your sanity and theirs.

Reusable toilet training pants

Night time toilet training tips

While night time toilet training can be tough, there are still some aides you can use to help speed things along a bit. 

Toilet training pants are a lifesaver, especially if you would prefer not to spend valuable sleep hours changing and washing wet bedding. They can easily be pulled off or on at night, making it easier to take your toddler to the bathroom to do a dream pee without waking them too much. 

If they do happen to have an accident overnight, that wet feeling will wake your toddler, assisting them in their learning.

Another great option for saving your sanity during this phase is to use brolly sheets. They provide a waterproof layer to help protect mattresses and sheets when accidents occur.

Add a night light in the bathroom and you might find that your toddler will venture out of bed to visit the bathroom when needed. Often, if the house is too dark, toddlers who need to go to the toilet will be too afraid of the dark to get out of bed. A night light is a great way to minimise these fears.

Finally, find a special bedtime cuddly friend who has their own toilet training undies. This little pal can accompany your child on their pre-bedtime toilet routine, helping to encourage positive new habits and ‘join in’ the routine to help reinforce those toilet training goals.

It is not called “toilet training” for nothing

Just remember that this phase of life doesn’t last very long in the scheme of things. Yes, it might get messy from time to time, and accidents will happen. Some kids adapt very quickly, while for others it takes time to learn how to listen to their own bodies. The length of your toilet training journey, or the number of accidents that occur, is not a reflection on your child’s willingness or your parenting. It is the nature of ‘training’—some things will go to plan, other things won’t.

So, on those hard days when nothing seems to be working, it’s okay to give yourself and your toddler a break from toilet training. It won’t set them back. What is most important is your love for each other while you go about making as many happy core memories together as possible. There’ll be plenty of time for embarrassing stories during their teen years, as you fondly reminisce about their toilet training mishaps and triumphs!

Cutest training pants Australia

Training Pants

Regular price$21.95
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Waterproof Training Pants

Our Waterproof Toilet Training Pants that are all about keeping things cozy and dry. We're talking about that super-soft bamboo velour lining that feels like a cuddle on your kiddo's bum, while the rockstar waterproof outer plays defense against those little 'oops' moments.

Potty training? We've got you, your floors, and your little one's bottom covered! 

Training Pants Features:

  • Look and feel like regular undies. Fitted with soft elastic around the waist so that your toddler can help to pull them up or down. But also fitted with side snaps for a mess-free change when needed.
  • Adjustable size. Three rows of side snaps adjust the waist size and 3x3 snaps on the front adjust the length and fit around the legs. The training pants can be adjusted to fit most toddlers. 
  • The waterproof outer layer is made from soft polyester PUL, providing an extra layer of protection when an accident happens. Great for reducing laundry and saving car seats, carpets and furniture.
  • The inner layer is made from super soft bamboo velour, your toddler will love the feel. The inner layer is not a “stay material.” The wet sensation promotes toileting awareness when your tod has had an accident.
  • An added microfibre layer improves absorbency and reduce the risk of leaks.
  • Unisex style, although your toddler will likely help you choose their favourite print!

Care instructions:

Bamboo absorbency increases after a few washes and we recommend pre-washing the training pants a few times before putting them to the tests.

If the pants are soiled, flush solids and rinse residual solids prior to washing.

Training pants can be stored in a dry pail for 2-3 days prior to washing. A wetbag is very useful to store soiled pants when out and about.

Gentle warm machine wash at 40-60 C. Do not use bleach or use fabric softeners. Hang out to dry or tumble dry on low heat.



Adjustable – 12 months to toilet training.


Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Comfortable + Stylish

My son has enjoyed his training pants by Bamboos Grove, they are extremely soft and comfortable aswell.

Oh, he is such a nature lover
Thanks for the beautiful photos and review x

Tanya Fountain
Fantastic pants!

Love the adjustable clips- almost as good as a modern cloth nappy but comfier for my son, preferring to wear these, pretty keen to see more interesting prints! Only bought the turtles as i love the print😜

Thank you so much for the great feedback. We love the soft bamboo-verlour inner, glad to hear it is comfy.
Working on our next collection as we speak! Feel free to email us any ideas, would love to feature some customer designs ❤


We got two pairs of Bamboo Grove Co training pants to trial. The prints are beautiful and they are so soft and comfortable. My chunky
17kg 2 yo 8 month old is on the upper limit of the fit, but he says they are comfortable and they do not leave marks.
We have been long term users of modern cloth nappies. Our toddler is frustrated because he wants undies that he can pull down himself when he uses the potty, but is not ready for full time undies with multiple wee accidents a day, especially when we are out of the house and he is distracted.
We decided to do our first trip out of the house without a nappy. Within 5 minutes of arrival at the play centre my little man loudly announced he had done a wee in the ball pit. Amazingly the Bamboo Grove Co training pants caught the whole wee with no leaks! We changed him into another pair of training pants and later on he managed to do another wee and a poo. The training pants caught it all, again with no leaks.

They function almost like a nappy so I’m confident to leave the house, but they are comfortable and my toddler can pull them down himself like undies.
My toddler is now demanding to wear his “special day time undies” all the time, so I have ordered some more!

Thank you so much for your lovely review... And glad the training pants could avert a crisis in the ball pit. Sounds as if he will be toilet trained in no time at all.
His extra training pants are on it's way.

Best training pants you’ll find!

I looked everywhere and tried every different type of training pants you could possibly find and out of all of them these are hands down the best, easiest and most practical! The fit is perfect and I love how they pull apart at the side so you can minimise smooshing the mess everywhere. The fabric and waterproofing is really good lasting quality. Absolutely recommend for anyone in the training stage or that lives somewhere where it’s to hot for a full nappy.